I'm a girl saved by grace.
A wife to my best friend. {he rocks}
Mama to four precious littles here
and three precious littles in heaven.
Just trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up :)
To be more-
and consistent!
(some days I fail miserably- thankfully that's where Grace steps in)
with words
and my camera.
being in the kitchen- especially baking with the kids :)
hot tea.
being in the mountains.
dancing silly with my kids.
More than anything,
for you to see the real me.
I want to be
really, really real.
It is my hope that when you visit here, that is who you see.
Please feel free to shoot my off an email anytime. I'd love to hear from you!
And now, how about 100 random facts :)
- I married the man of my dreams when I was 18 years old
- I love the rain
- Especially thunderstorms
- I've broken my arm 3 times (18mths old- I fell off a kitchen chair, 6yrs old- I fell off the monkeybars & 11 yrs old- tobogganing accident)
- I have a huge fear of tobogganing
- My favorite ice-cream is mint chocolate chip
- I am a (slowly recovering) people-pleaser
- I lost my mom to cancer when I was 10 yrs old
- I miss her terribly
- When I was 15 years old I shaved my head to raise money for cancer
- I've been to Disneyland twice and Disneyworld once. I can't wait to take our kids there!
- I went to a french immersion school and graduated with both a french and english diploma
- I've lost a lot of my french, but can still understand it and somewhat carry on a conversation
- My favorite season is Fall
- One of my favorite memories of my mom is her letting my sister and I play with her hair. We would spend the whole night putting in every single one of our barrettes and hair elastics into her hair. At the end she would look in the mirror and praise us for making her look so beautiful :)....... I can't wait to do the same thing with my daughters
- I love to bake
- I am learning to love to cook
- I know all the words to the movie "Adventures in Babysitting"
- I'm EXTREMELY ticklish! Seriously, everywhere...
- I hate being tickled!
- Chris and I got engaged only 3 1/2 months after our first date
- We were married 4 1/2 months later
- I love peanut butter and banana sandwiches
- I never needed glasses until I was pregnant with our son
- I never liked gravy until I was pregnant with our daughter
- Now I wear glasses and love, love, LOVE gravy on everything!
- When I was little I wanted to be a teacher or an author that illustrated her own books (stop laughing Tam!)
- I love camping
- I can't wait until we can afford to buy our own trailer!
- I hate it when people are mad at me.
- I need to fix it right away!
- I love watching the food network.
- Especially 'The Food Network Challenge!"
- I secretly would love to open a cake making business
- I am terrified of public speaking
- I love to read
- Growing up my favorite book was 'Bridge to Terabithia'
- Now it's 'The Mark of the Lion' series by Francine Rivers
- I always put smarties in my popcorn- yum!
- Clutter drives me crazy
- My middle name is Dawn
- I have 2 brothers (1 older, 1 younger) & a younger sister
- When I was little I wanted 6 kids
- We have 3
- I want one more....shhh don't tell Chris :)
- All three of our kids were born 3 weeks early
- We live just a few blocks from both my Dad and Chris' parents- I LOVE it!
- I really want to learn to crochet, knit and quilt
- I love the 'Wii Fit'
- I played Ringette in Jr. High and High School
- My favorite TV show is '24'
- My In-Laws are seriously the most amazing people on the face of this earth!
- I love them to pieces!
- I love a good cup of tea
- I'm a teerible, uh I mean- terrible speller
- My favorite flowers are daisies
- I enjoy watching home flipping shows
- I'm pretty sure if Chris and I tried to do a flip we'd end up killing each other
- My favorite color is green
- I love photography and want to learn to take better pictures
- I don't like cleaning
- If I had to pick a favorite household chore it would be doing the laundry
- Folding clothes actually relaxes me
- I know I'm weird
- I'm a T.V star.....when I was little, my brother and I were on KidStreet
- I'm really shy when I meet new people
- I became a Christian the summer before Grade 12 through a youth outreach program called Street Invaders
- I still attend the same church
- I now run the children's program at my church
- I want to visit New York
- While in New York I'd love to see a Broadway play
- I love the theater- especially musicals
- I'm a perfectionist, sometimes it's a strength & sometimes it's a weakness
- My love language is Words of Affirmation
- Right now I'm wearing flannel pajamas
- I am a dawdler...I like to take my time :)
- I love staring up at the stars and wondering who else is doing the very same thing at the very same time
- I love ice cream sandwiches
- When I'm upset I like to get somewhere by myself and talk (out loud) about what I'm feeling to God
- I don't hold grudges
- Some of my favorite memories as a child are running through the huge sprinklers the city would put on in the green belt behind our house. We'd hear them turn on and drop whatever we were doing, run to get our bathing suits on and play outside for hours :)
- My favorite day of the week is Sunday
- I really would love to travel....Africa, Europe, Japan, Australia- anywhere and everywhere
- I'm learning to play guitar
- I hate wearing dresses
- I love everything about newborn babies. Their smell. Their feel. Their sound.
- I drive a mini-van and I love it
- I never in a million years thought I'd actually enjoy driving a mini-van
- I hate the taste of coffee, even with the flavored creamers
- I love the smell though!
- It really bugs me when someone sees a movie before me and wants to tell me all about it- I hate knowing what's going to happen before getting a chance to see it, what's the point in watching it after that??
- I love to sing, but I'm totally tone deaf :)
- I think afternoon naps are heavenly
- Only problem is if I have one, I can't get to sleep at night!
- I don't really enjoy sitting out in the sun....I burn too easily and get bad headaches
- Seriously if I'm out for even 5mins without sunscreen I'm burnt to a crisp!
- I love making up imaginary stories at bedtime with our kids. My dad use to do that for us when we were little- he's the best story-teller EVER!!
- I enjoy making lists- for everything
- I love spending time with my family, even if it's being lazy hanging around the house, I just love being around them :)
- I truly love being a mom and staying home with our kids!
You are my new best friend if you made it to the bottom of this list.
High five to you friend!
High five to you friend!