Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween Fun

Yesterday was Halloween. I have always enjoyed this holiday. We grew up trick-or-treating. It was always so much fun to get dressed up and go around at night collecting candy. (not to mention the abundance of candy that always seemed to last well past christmas). We have decided to continue this tradition with our kids. Our son dressed up as a pirate during the day and a dragon at night, and our daughter was a pumpkin.

We had a full day of festivities. In the morning we met up with friends of ours to go around trick-or-treating at the local mall. The kids had a blast running in and out of each store! Next it was off to preschool, where my son had his halloween party. After school we stopped in at my grandparents place to have the kids show off their costumes.

Finally we made it to our last destination. Papa's house. Chris took our son door to door after supper while I stayed in with baby girl. Needless to say they weren't even gone an hour and they were back with his entire bag filled (almost to overflowing) with candy.......

I must admit I am a little worried that this supply won't last well past Christmas, like when we were little, my cravings may get in the way of that:)

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