Monday, February 4, 2008


Last week on the way home from preschool my son made an announcement:

"I know who I'm gonna marry"

"Oh really?" I said " And who would that be?"

"Caleb's Mommy"

I had to hide my laughter. What a cutie! I explained to him that Caleb's mommy was already married to Caleb's daddy. "Oh" he says with a shy giggle.

Today after school Caleb's mom came up to me and said:

" I have to tell you the cutest story. Last week your son came up to me and whispered in my ear. I couldn't quite hear him so I asked him to repeat what he had said. He looked up shyly and whispered again : "I'm gonna marry you." It was the sweetest thing!!!"

We had a good laugh together :-)
What we going to do with our little Casanova?! Making marriage proposals at the age of four!!

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