Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I KNOW that guy Moses!

Our son's school theme this year is:

"Heaven Bound Heroes Faithfully Following"

His homework assignment tonight was to fill in a poster questionnaire about himself, that would be displayed on the hallway bulletin board.
So, after dinner I sat down to help him with it.

When we got to the question:
My favorite heaven bound hero that we are learning about is:
His Answer came easily.

"Moses" He said.

"Moses? Can you tell me who Moses was?" I asked

"Yup, Moses is the guy who when the pyramid guys were chasing him trying to kill him, he stuck his stick in the water and it was all blood!" He said with confidence.

Next Question:
This heaven bound hero is an example to me because:
Our boys answer:

"He listens to God and didn't make any cows out of money!"


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. I thought I'd return the favor. I'd like to read more when I don't have a sweet 3 year old begging me to play Daniel and the Lion's Den with him. :)

    Have a good day!

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog. I thought I'd return the favor. I'd like to read more when I don't have a sweet 3 year old begging me to play Daniel and the Lion's Den with him. :)

    Have a good day!


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