Saturday, May 2, 2009

LPM Memory Verse #9

This year I have been participating in the Living Proof Ministries blog scripture memory verse challenge. Yikes- that was a mouthful :) Basically we are memorizing a scripture on the 1st and 15th of every month. I have never been very good at memorization. So, this challenge has really been something I've had to work at. Yet I'm finding myself so encouraged by these scriptures. The more I'm saying them, the more they become engraved on my heart. I have found myself in situations where all of a sudden one of my memorized scriptures pops in my head and immediately speaks to whatever I'm facing!

This time around I had a very hard time picking my scripture.

I've spent the last couple days attempting to narrow down my search, but nothing really fit the bill. I have been purposely picking scriptures that have helped me embrace of the Truth of God's Word rather than focusing on what I am feeling or what my circumstances may be.

Now, I know that the bible is God's written LIVING Word, but have you ever had the words of the bible seem like nothing more like just mere words. Wow. Did I really just type that? Is that ok, to be that honest? Come on, I'm not the only one am I?

Anyways....picking a scripture was a challenge. Then tonight I found it. Rather, God gave it to me. It was as if God just simply whispered: "Sara, I know your heart. I know where you're at."

The Lord will guide you continually, watering your life when you are dry and keeping you healthy too. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.
Isaiah 58:11 (NLT)

Sweet Jesus thank-you.

I am dry.

Lord, RAIN down on me!


  1. I love the translation of that verse.

  2. Love the new look, Sara and thank you for the warm welcome home!!

    I love your honesty, and as hard as it is to admit, there are more times than not when God's Word falls on my flat ears. Probably a little more my fault than His. Ok, a lot more my fault! But isn't it wonderful when God speaks directly to our hearts, especially when we're running on empty. How reassuring that He promises to water us when we are dry!! I'll join you in asking Him to rain down.


Thanks so much for leaving your comments. I absolutely love hearing from you :)


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