Monday, July 13, 2009

She's Leaving on a Jet Plane....

Today I'm sister flies off to Europe tonight for a month. A MONTH! That's a lifetime in my books!

She's off on an exciting backpacking adventure with her best friend.

Up until now I have been living in the land of denial, not really believing that she would actually go. Now I "knew" that she was going, but decided that my heart would be safer if I convinced myself that this day would never actually arrive.
You see, my sister and I are close. She is a teacher and so I usually have her all to myself during the summer, as most of her friends and her boyfriend all have to work.
So, the thought of her being gone for this long is just hard.

And, on top of missing her, to say I was jealous would be the understatement of the year! She gave me her itinerary yesterday and just listen to a few of the places she will be over the next month....

London, England
Dublin, Ireland
Bristol, England
Paris, France
Barcelona, Spain
Berlin, Germany

Oh, the beauty she will see.
Oh, the adventures she will have.

I can't wait to see all her pictures!

This afternoon we went over to say our goodbyes and even though she put up a good fight I managed to get a couple shots of her....

Ain't she purdy!
And, check out her 30lb backpack.

Tam, I'm going to miss you SO much!
Have a fabulous time......and BE GOOD :)


  1. she's going to have a wonderful time ... but it doesn't make it easier to say adios for a while. hopefully she'll keep you updated while she's away.

  2. oh this reminds me of when Chris and I backpacked Europe - such an exciting adventure she's about to embark on!


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