Sunday, December 13, 2009

MIA....Christmas Cookie Countdown- 12 days 'til Christmas

We took a break from being in the kitchen today.
And it was great.

What's my excuse?
Well, to be honest- lack of children..... as in we didn't have any :)

My son and oldest daughter slept over at my sister's last night and spent the day being spoiled by her and her boyfriend. They are just on their way home now from the "Hitmen Teddy Bear Toss" as I type this.
And our baby girl slept over at Chris' parents place last night and spent the day with them. I just whipped over there after nap to bring her to a fun birthday party for a cute little redhead.
Then after the party it was back to Grandma and Papa's for a big family dinner. By the time we were home our little one was fast asleep.

So needless to say I decided to wait until my little elves returned before I made another mess in there. Don't worry though, we plan on catching up tomorrow :)

So, how did Chris and I capitalize on our kid-less-ness?
Well, we caught a movie (It was incredible. I highly recommend it!) with some great friends & enjoyed a late dinner with them. Then we slept in Sunday morning and spent the afternoon getting a little Christmas shopping done.

It was bliss. Pure bliss.
Honestly, spending a full 24 hours with Chris all by myself was super refreshing. I didn't have to share him one bit with the kiddos :)

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend too.
See you a bit later with a new recipe!


  1. That movie looks amazing! And how fun to meet you yesterday! So glad you guys had some couple time!!

  2. what a blessing to have some time for the two of you! I can't wait to see that movie :) Glad to hear you enjoyed it.

  3. WONDERFUL! to me kidless time with my husband is the only gift i need.

  4. WONDERFUL! to me kidless time with my husband is the only gift i need.


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