Thursday, February 18, 2010

Insecurity and my first-ever GIVEAWAY!

'Insecurity refers to a profound sense of self-doubt, a deep feeling of uncertainty about our basic worth and our place in the world. Insecurity is associated with chronic self-consciousness, along with a chronic lack of confidence in ourselves and anxiety about our relationships. The insecure man or woman lives in constant fear of rejection and a deep uncertainty about whether his or her feeling and desires are legitimate.'
So Long Insecurity, pg 17
Beth Moore

Self doubt.
I live in it everyday.
I breath it in almost every situation.

Sometimes I think I'm getting better and even try to convince myself that I don't care what others think of me, but if I'm being honest I just do. I DO care if people like me and think I am "of worth".
And I do care what others think of what I do. I know that it drives Chris crazy. It must be so exhausting for him to constantly be reassuring me. It's not fair to him, and I want to change.

With all my heart, I long to say goodbye to insecurity.
I long to BE SECURE.

A coupe of weeks ago I decided to join Living Proof Ministries' online book study: "So Long Insecurity."
As soon as I read the title of the book I knew I needed to participate. I know I'm insecure. From as far back as I can remember I always have been.

In almost every circumstance I can see my decisions being made based on my insecurity. In my marriage. In my parenting. In relationships. In just about every aspect of my life.
I've become fairly good at hiding it, but if you know me well, you know I'm insecure.
And I am ready to say goodbye to it for good!

Beth asks the following insecurity survey questions in her book:

Do I cry easily? Way more than I care to admit.
Do I avoid the spotlight in social situations? Uh huh. You'll find me quietly watching from the back of the room.
Do I have a strong desire to make amends whenever I think I've done something wrong? Um, hello!! I HAVE to make amends! Even when I haven't done anything wrong. I hate when people are mad at me.
If someone gets angry with me, do I have a hard time not thinking about it? It is impossible for me to not think of it.
Does it hurt my feelings when I learn that someone doesn't like me? It kills me.
Do I fear that my husband might leave me for someone else? This one I can honestly say no.

5 out of 6- yikes, if that doesn't SCREAM insecure I don't know what does!

My heart is ready. I am excited.
Living with insecurity is crippling. It is exhausting. Draining.
What would a life of security look like?.....
I can't wait to find out!

I am loving this book so much that I want to give a copy away to one of you.
My very first giveaway!!!
If you'd like to be entered to win please leave a comment with your name and a way for me to contact you. And if you are brave enough, why you'd like to win a copy :)
(Facebook friends please click here and leave a comment on my blog post to be entered.)

I'll choose a winner on Wednesday February 24th.
Good Luck Everyone!


  1. Sara- I'm dying to read this book. I know that I am insecure about certain things but completely secure in other areas. Does that make sense?

    Fun giveaway!

  2. you had me at insecurity! sara i could answer yes to all but the last question too.

    i am in the spotlight a lot. but each time i have to walk past my fear, and into truth. i have to walk past what i think others may be thinking of me, walk past myself, and up to jesus.

    people don't see me as insecure, i carry myself as confident, but i am. so. insecure.

    i wish we could sit face to face.

    i wish we could friendship face to face instead of computer to computer.

    and though i've nver seen you, i miss you.

  3. I'm 4 out of the 6. I didn't answer "yes" to the first or the last...but I can completely relate to all the ones in the middle of the list!

    I would love to read this book!

  4. I would love to read this book. For as long as I can remember I have felt this way. Always worrying about what others think, what I could do to make people like me, always thinking things are my fault. I use to think it was peer pressure and part of growing up but at 41 I don't think that is the case anymore. Would love to learn how to get past all of this and maybe realize its not all me.

  5. Ok so only 2 out of 6, BUT, and it's a big BUT, from the quote at the beginning 'The insecure man or woman lives in (constant) fear of rejection and a deep uncertainty about whether his or her feeling and desires are legitimate.' that deep uncertainty plagues me... I would love to do the study WITH you and walk through this together. God is fun and freedom is fun (okay the pain and woundedness part is not fun) and I think it would be a blessing to walk into freedom together. That being said, if I don't 'win' I can always go get my own book and we could do it anyway :)

  6. You can put my name in too Sara. I really enjoy Beth Moore studies... so much that I am currently leading one called "Stepping Up". Taking on that role was a bit of a challenge when you hate being in the spotlight and want everybody to like you and don't want to make anyone mad... Yeah I think this book sounds great!

  7. Many people see me as confident and secure. They are so often so very wrong! Most of the time I am suffocating with insecurity!!! I would love to get into this book! Thanks for having a giveaway, they are so much fun!

  8. I would love to win this book---I come across as a very confidant person but, inside I feel like I am an egg that is ready to shatter.

  9. I found you from to read your posts!
    I would love to win this book. I have recently come across Beth Moore and she is amazing! I have insecurity when it comes to wondering if people like me. (God did not grant me the gift of conversational skills.) Though, since being a SAHM, I rarely need to talk to someone unless at the stores or in the carpool lane. (Thank God for the comfort of my car.)

  10. Hi Sara,
    I just finished a study written by Beth Moore. She is great and I would love to hear what she has to say about our insecurity...

  11. I would love to win this book---I come across as a very confidant person but, inside I feel like I am an egg that is ready to shatter.

  12. You can put my name in too Sara. I really enjoy Beth Moore studies... so much that I am currently leading one called "Stepping Up". Taking on that role was a bit of a challenge when you hate being in the spotlight and want everybody to like you and don't want to make anyone mad... Yeah I think this book sounds great!

  13. I would love to read this book. For as long as I can remember I have felt this way. Always worrying about what others think, what I could do to make people like me, always thinking things are my fault. I use to think it was peer pressure and part of growing up but at 41 I don't think that is the case anymore. Would love to learn how to get past all of this and maybe realize its not all me.


Thanks so much for leaving your comments. I absolutely love hearing from you :)


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