Saturday, August 14, 2010


We've had such a wonderful week away. We relaxed, watched movies, swam, explored, read and played games. The weather wasn't the best (it rained at some point every single day) but we still managed to have a great time. Can I just say again how much I love Chris' parents?! I do. They are two of my most favorite people. I am so humbled by them. They are so good to us and especially to our munchkins.
We had the best week vacationing with them.

Oh, I have so much to tell you! I have a half dozen blog posts swirling around my head and I can't wait to share them all with you, but sadly the laundry room in beckoning me and just can't be ignored.....

But before I go, I just want to say that my sister and her fiance rock. THEY ROCK!
While we were away we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary and this is what we came home to:
Balloons scattered EvEryWHerE around the house (which totally made us smile after a long drive home!)
Then after opening up their card we were surprised with a fun scavenger hunt that they had set up for us around the house. They had us going from room to room collecting clues and gifts all centered around our 10 years together (aren't they super creative?!?!)

Here's one of my favorites:

Hahaha... nice disclaimer eh?! ;)

Then in the last room they spoiled us with a dinner for two to this fancy smancy restaurant! Eeek! So excited for that!

Yes, yes, I know you are all crazy jealous of me for having such a rad sister, but you can't have her. Nope, she's all mine :)

Thank you Tammy and Adam! You are so awesome and made us feel so very special :D


  1. welcome back!

    happy anniversary!

    now make sure you use those vouchers!!! i am jealous of your sis.

  2. AMAZING gift! What a great sister!

  3. Happy 10 Year Marriage Anniversary!!! My hubby and I celebrated ours back in July. It's a big milestone and should be celebrated! So exciting that you came home to such a fun surprise from an amazing sister! Looking forward to hearing about your vaca!

    And thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog. I'm so happy we found eachother too! :-)

    Blessings and hugs,

  4. That's just awesome! Happy anniversary! What's your date? We just celebrated our 10th on the 12th in Denmark. See you when we get back!

  5. oh, how wonderful!!! Happy Anniversary :) 10 years is awesome. Praying for many, many more.

  6. what a fun surprise to come home to!!! how creative.

    i am glad you had a great trip!

  7. That's just awesome! Happy anniversary! What's your date? We just celebrated our 10th on the 12th in Denmark. See you when we get back!

  8. AMAZING gift! What a great sister!


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