Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy First

My sweet Elliot Joy.
A year ago today we welcomed you to our little family.
We grew from five to six.
You were an answer to our prayers.
You completed us.
In the last year you have brought so much to our family.
And so, so much love.
I can't say enough about how much I adore you.

You have been our easiest baby by far.
You are content.
You smile and the room changes.
You laugh and everyone around you joins in.

Happy Birthday my sweet, sweet baby.
This past year has been such a blessing.
I wish I could keep you little forever 
and yet at the same time I am so excited to watch your little personality emerge.
My heart rests in the fact that
you, my little love, will always be my baby girl.

Daddy and I love you sweet thing.
Happy first birthday!


  1. That's beautiful Sar! Makes me want to have our next one now! Hugs! And happy 1st E!

  2. Oh, she is just precious and adorable!! Happy Birthday, little one! :)

  3. How can it possibly have been a year already!?! Wow. Happy birthday, E! You are sure a blessing :)

  4. i can't believe it has been a year! she is beautiful. what a sweet post to her.

  5. sigh! It goes so fast! Hope you had a wonderful time celebrating with her :)

  6. Happy 1st to your sweet girl! Oh, it just goes way too fast, doesn't it?!

  7. precious, beautiful girl. How is she ONE already??! I love your heart for motherhood. I love your passion for photography (retreat sounded AMaZinG!!). and life. And the way you balance it all-inspires me. Your top 10- awesome! I am also very excited you get to have some important time away, and in a castle? for real?! Can't wait for the update. I think of you so often, and just pray that we can catch up on day "in person"!
    we're grandmas,

    love ya girl! and your blog is such a light to me!

  8. I am so glad you sent me a link to this blog. :) And I'm even more glad that I got to meet little miss elliot the other day. she's such a doll.


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