A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse;
from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
Isaiah 11:1
This year I am so excited to start a Jesse Tree Advent with the kids. Every day we will dive into God's word together and uncover God's all consuming, always faithful, never giving up love for His people. From creation to Jesus' birth each day we will see how God's plan was to always, always, always rescue His people.
As the kids put these ornaments on each day in December my prayer is that God's story of Salvation will truly come alive for them.
A few weeks ago, a sweet mama in our church organized a Jesse Tree Ornament exchange. There were 11 of us and so each of us made 2 ornaments (and a couple made 3). Then we got together and exchanged our handmade goodies.
Oh my.
These ladies completely blew me away with their creativity. I would have never EVER dreamed up these ornaments on my own. What a gift they are to our family. Each day when we take them out I will be reminded of the love and care these women put into making them. What a blessing.
And on top of all that, it was a super fun evening getting to know some sweet women in our new church. A night out for this homeschooling mama was worth it's weight in gold ;)
These ornaments were made to follow along with The Advent Jesse Tree Devotional, but you can also simply follow along with the scripture for each day.
Here's what we will be putting on our tree over the next month....
Day 1: Creation
Genesis 1:1, 26-31
Day 2: Sin
Genesis 3:1-19
Day 3: The Ark
Genesis 6:11-14; 7:17; 8:3; 9:8-13
Day 4: Abraham
Genesis 12:1-7
Day 5: The Lamb
Genesis 22:1-14, John 1:29
Day 6: Jacob's Ladder
Genesis 28:10-22
Day 7: Joseph's Coat of Many Colors
Genesis 37:1-4
Day 8: The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:1-17, Deuteronomy 5:1-22
Day 9: The Promised Land
Numbers 13:1-2, 17-23, 27
Day 10: Ruth and Boaz
Ruth 1:15- 2:3
Day 11: King David
1 Samuel 16:1-13
Day 12: The Law
II Kings 23:1-3, Psalm 119:105
Day 13: The Stump of Jesse
Isaiah 11:1-2
Day 14: The Lion and the Lamb
Isaiah 11:6-9
Day 15: The Prince of Peace
Isaiah 9: 2-7, John 14:27
Day 16: The Gentle Shepherd
Isaiah 40:11, Psalm 23:1-2, John 10:27
Day 17: The Suffering Servant
Isaiah 53, Luke 2:8-18, John 19:11-18, John 10:15
Day 18: The New Covenant
Jeremiah 23:5-6 and 31:31-34
Day 19: Bethlehem Prophecy
Luke 2:6-21
Day 20: The Fiery Furnace
Daniel 3:19-29 and Jeremiah 1:8
Day 21: The Exile
Nehemiah 4:15-23, 6:15
Day 22: The Star
Matthew 2:1-12 and Revelation 22:16
Day 23: The Light of the World
Luke 1:26-38, 2:32 and John 8:12
Day 24: The Angel
Hebrews 1:14, Luke 2:8-14
Day 25: Baby Jesus!
Luke 2:1-10 and John 3:16-17
I can not wait for tomorrow!
I didn't know you'd blogged a few times! Had I known I'd have been the first one here to read and comment. This Jesse Tree idea is GREAT! And is something I could get into; that would work with the older kids, because it gives a visual with scripture to read during the Advent season. I'm pinning this to remember next Christmas!