Friday, June 26, 2015


My Selah. I know I say this every year but I can not believe you are already seven. I miss my little crying baby who would not let me put her down for one single second to make dinner.... and yet.... you continue to grow into such a beautiful and kind girl that I am more and more excited to see how our relationship deepens as you grow older.

What I am most excited to see is how God is going to use you. I don't really know how to put it into words but your mind fascinates me. I know that God has big plans for you my sweet girl! The way you reason, the way you think things through, the way you grasp new concepts.... what joy it is to watch you learn. God is going to use your mind and your heart to change this world! I look forward to seeing Him do just that!

At seven you are....

* Proudly riding 2 wheels
* Currently obsessed with dolphins and koalas- NOT koala bears, because koalas are marsupials NOT bears. Bam.
* Already blowing through second grade math
* Chewing your way through "The Magic Treehouse" series
* Teaching your little sister her alphabet
* Mastering the "cup song"
* Showing us all what it means to love like Jesus

I adore you my sweet girl. Happy Birthday
May you have many new adventure and conquer many more mountains this year.


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