Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"Smile Honey!"

I don't know what happened, but somewhere along the way my big girl stopped smiling for pictures. She has the most naturally beautiful smile and is constantly flashing it to anyone who is around her, but for some reason whenever the camera is out I get shots like this:

I don't know if it's stage fright or what, but she simply forgets how to smile.
I say "Smile Honey!"
She says "Cheese"........ and then proceeds to give me a look like this:

That's why I am completely in love with this next picture...... it is by far my favorite shot that I've taken of my big girl in a looooong time- simply because she's actually SMILING!

Man, I love this girl!

For more Wordless Wednesdays visit 5 Minutes for Mom, and check out Seven Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesdays


  1. There's that gorgeous smile...it's a smile that just melts the heart! I could never get mad at her!

  2. Aww, she has a wonderful smile!!

  3. Such a cutie and what an adorable smile.

  4. Awh. She looks like a sweety. I love the last photo the best. She has a great smile. Happy WW!

    My WW is @ http://ordinaryandawesome.blogspot.com/2009/03/wordless-wednesday-i-faces.html

  5. Oh my....wonderful smile. The whole collection of photos makes me think you have a Cover Girl in the making.

    I'm celebrating a 40th birthday today...come see who is the big four oh!!

    Have a great Wednesday.

  6. What a smile when she does smile :>)

  7. Love the smile! My daughter is six years old now and used to ALWAYS smile for the camera - now she does some fake - looks like her teeth are being grinded smile - drives me crazy! LOL

    Such a cute family you have!

    Happy WW.


  8. She is gorgeous wither way but that smile is priceless. My little man went through that stage but now he is back to smiling for the camera. :)

  9. My two-year-old always looks so serious in pictures too! But it is so amazing when they finally do crack a smile--And what a great smile it is!

    Happy WW!

  10. She is such a cutie! Her eyes light up when she smiles. I love the last one too!

  11. Lately when I try to get pictures of my toddler, he's reaching for the camera and one of his thumbs is blocking the viewfinder. Ah well, at least *I* know how cute he is! ;)

  12. Awwww...she has smiling eyes too!

  13. Hey, theres the smile... we have a spirited girl too...

    Happy WW!

    Me, I did something a little...different...today. Hope you'll come see ;-)

    Jay @ HalftimeLessons.com

  14. Oh, who can stand this? That smile is just unbelievably precious. SO adorable.

  15. We're still lucky if A even looks in the direction of the lens.

    This is a great shot, Sara! One to treasure for sure :)

  16. Zoe is exactly the same way lately. It's so difficult to get a photo with a nice natural smile. Either she's pouting... or you can almost hear her yelling "CHEESE!!!" That last shot is beautiful.

  17. Take 100 get 1 lol! Come on over and link up! Make sure to check out the post above with not only my favorite giveaways going on right now but everyone else who has linked theirs up as well!!!

  18. Lately when I try to get pictures of my toddler, he's reaching for the camera and one of his thumbs is blocking the viewfinder. Ah well, at least *I* know how cute he is! ;)

  19. She is gorgeous wither way but that smile is priceless. My little man went through that stage but now he is back to smiling for the camera. :)

  20. Love the smile! My daughter is six years old now and used to ALWAYS smile for the camera - now she does some fake - looks like her teeth are being grinded smile - drives me crazy! LOL

    Such a cute family you have!

    Happy WW.



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