Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween!

Tonight I took our big girl out trick or treating for her first time. Big brother and little sister stayed home to hand out candy with Daddy.

To say our two year old loved it would be a huge understatement.
She didn't want to go home. I was actually very surprised that she lasted as long as she did. Thankfully it was a gorgeous night out. I can remember as a little girl many times we'd be slipping along the icy sidewalks, running through the snow and wearing our snowsuits under our costumes!

We were out for about an hour and in that time our
little one sure did collect a loot!
(I think there was a bit of a cuteness factor, as most houses gave her a
double portion because she was "just so cute!"

But more than all the candy she collected she was most excited to meet all the puppies and kitties in our neighbourhood.
She would squeal with delight and practically invite herself into any home that had a four-legged friend.
It got to the point where instead of saying trick or treat,
she would peek her head in the house and yell out:
"Puppy?!" "Kitty?!"
One house in particular was her favorite. It was the one she talked about all the way down the block. In that house the puppy was dressed up as a lady-bug.
She loved that "lalybug puppy!"

Oh, I had a so much fun spending this one-on-one time with her and will remember this Halloween for a long time!

Hope you all had a wonderful evening too :)


  1. Awesome! What a great Halloween :)

  2. oh my goodness! SO CUTE!!

    Glad you guys had such a great night. Memories in the making to be sure :)

  3. So cute!! i took my boys out too for the first time this year, and it was a huge success!!

  4. So cute!! i took my boys out too for the first time this year, and it was a huge success!!

  5. oh my goodness! SO CUTE!!

    Glad you guys had such a great night. Memories in the making to be sure :)


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