I love reading. Always have.
I can remember as a child many times my sister asking me to play with her and me turning her down to finish reading whatever book I was on.
I can also remember many nights staying up late with a flashlight in my bed and secretly reading well past my bedtime.
Reading allows me to escape. When I read it's as if I am living with the characters.
I can feel the story.
I feel their struggles and celebrate their victories. Especially if the author knows what he/she is doing. Their words can stir up so much emotion in me. If I have a good book I can usually chew through it within a couple days. It can consume me.
Books like Redeeming Love and Briar Rose consumed me.
Then there are the books I don't really enjoy. But read anyway.
See, I have this strange sickness where if I start a book I have to finish it. Weird. I know. Sometimes I have to force my way through, all the while hating every page, but I will finish.
Maybe it's the sense of accomplishment, or maybe it's my OCD. Whatever the case, once I open up the pages and read the first few lines I am committed. I am bound. Whether I like it of not I HAVE to finish reading it.
Last night I met up with a very good friend of mine for dinner and some shopping. Our last stop of the night was at Chapters. We always seem to end up there browsing through the different titles.
And we talk about books, what we loved, what we didn't. We recommend books to each other and warn about others.
As we were scanning the titles the topic of new books vs used ones was brought up.
I do like big chain book stores (like Chapters), but more than the fresh crisp pages of a new book, I am in love with the old worn pages of a used one.
I love imagining who read the words and how they were touched by the story. I especially love old worn hard covers that have the pages almost falling out. There is just something special about it. The book itself has it's own story. One that I can make up.
What about you? Old or new?
After our visit my wonderful friend sent me home with a big stack of her books to borrow. (Thanks again Karine!)
I've heard of some of these, but most of them I have no idea what they are about. I usually stick to novels. Most of which have some sort of love story. I'm a sucker for those, but I've been thinking that it's time to expand my reading horizons and I think that these books are just the way to start!
What about you?
Do you like to read?
What are your all-time favorite books?
What book(s) are you currently reading?
My sister was/is just like you... a book worm ;)
ReplyDeleteI've enjoyed the Christy Miller Series many times over... it's a must-read, especially when your girls are a little older :)
my children LOVE to read. i'm sure my son is in their with flashlight and book well after lights out.
ReplyDeletei read. i don't love it as some do.
i like to be inspired, so i can often be found reading c.s. lewis, st. augustine, or donald miller.
i am currently reading "permission granted, to do church differently in the 21st century"
we are currently having church issues (ughhh) and someone suggested/loaned it to me. so i'm reading with caution. don't want to be bitter at the church, but have a better perspective of what the church is really suppose to be.
I was JUST like you - hiding with my flashlight and stash of runts candies under the covers late at night. To be honest, I'm still that way (minus the Runts as now I'd have to share!)
ReplyDeleteCurrent reads are on my sidebar - can't remember the titles at this moment to be honest.
Favorite all time reads: anything Francine Rivers and a book called Quo Vadis (if you haven't read it, you would LOVE it!) Also love A Fine Balance, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and my favorite book growing up was The Power of One.
If you're ever up for a book swap let me know. I'm a sucker for Christian romance (ahem, I mean Christian historical fiction) anytime ;)
I love reading! But I have to be captivated right at the beginning or i won't finish the book! Karen Kingsbury is a favorite of mine, and I also love Stephanie Meyer...Twilight all the way!!
ReplyDeleteI was JUST like you - hiding with my flashlight and stash of runts candies under the covers late at night. To be honest, I'm still that way (minus the Runts as now I'd have to share!)
ReplyDeleteCurrent reads are on my sidebar - can't remember the titles at this moment to be honest.
Favorite all time reads: anything Francine Rivers and a book called Quo Vadis (if you haven't read it, you would LOVE it!) Also love A Fine Balance, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and my favorite book growing up was The Power of One.
If you're ever up for a book swap let me know. I'm a sucker for Christian romance (ahem, I mean Christian historical fiction) anytime ;)