Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Cookie #13- Pea(nut) Butter Squares

This recipe is a family favorites. Sadly, I stopped making these a few years ago because of my son's allergy to peanuts.
But this year Chris suggested making them using Peabutter (the alternative we use to peanut butter.) Yes! Why hadn't I thought of that sooner? They turned out great! I can't even taste the difference. I guess a bunch of sugar can mask anything :)

Here's my assistance showing you with a very serious face our "No Nut" peabutter:

And while Mommy stirred the ingredients on the stove, the little elves did some painting:

Our Lesson: Just like all the different colored marshmallows, we are all different and all special. God made each of us unique and we are thankful for our differences :)

Peanut Butter Squares

1/4 cup butter
1 pkg butterscotch chips
1/2 cup peanut butter (or in our case PEAbutter)
3 cups marshmallows

Melt butter, peanut butter and chips. Remove from heat. Add marshmallows. Pour into greased 9X9 pan.


  1. I love the lesson for your kiddos too!

  2. Oh Sara these are my favorite treats ever! We make a huge pan and freeze them... My gramma used to make them for us all the time :) Thanks for reminding me of the alternative! I am glad it still tastes the same...

  3. I love the lesson for your kiddos too!


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