Monday, March 16, 2009

LPM Memory Verse #6

This year I have been participating in the Living Proof Ministries blog scripture memory verse challenge. Yikes- that was a mouthful :)

Basically we are memorizing a scripture on the 1st and 15th of every month. I have never been very good at memorization. So, this challenge has really been something I've had to work at. Yet I'm finding myself so encouraged by these scriptures. The more I'm saying them, the more they become engraved on my heart. I have found myself in situations where all of a sudden one of my memorized scriptures pops in my head and immediately speaks to whatever I'm facing. I'm loving it!

I decided to write a post about each of the verses that I chose for a few reasons...
  1. By writing it here, I feel like I'm keeping myself more accountable and committed
  2. I learn so much more by writing about each scripture. Writing things out is the best way I know how to process my thoughts
  3. I hope that in some small way I may encourage you with what I'm learning :)
Every scripture I've chosen has touched my heart in a different way.

This time I chose a scripture that I have read many times and completely love, but have never committed to memory.

Now you are no longer a slave, but God's own child. And since you are his child, everything he has belongs to you.
Galatians 4:7

Ok, so I knew this. Or maybe more accurately I thought I knew this. When I became a christian 10+ years ago I began to embrace the truth of becoming God's daughter.
It has certainly taken time to understand what this all meant, and to be honest it is still a process for me.
See, even today I am still learning more depth to this truth! The first part I get. I am no longer a slave (AMEN) but God's child. It's the second part that has really hit me. Since I am His child, everything He has belongs to me?!

So, what exactly does God have?
When I sit down to think about it I'm drawn to a few ideas.

He has absolute Confidence
He has an amazing ability to Forgive
He has an indescribable ability to Love
He has incredible Parenting skills :)
He has beautiful Patience, Joy and Peace

As I lean on my Father I find myself growing in all of these things. The more I embrace the truth, the more I am transformed into the likeness of Him.
How I long to fully receive all that God has.
How I long to become more like Him.
This scripture tells me that I can. For I am no longer a slave, but a daughter of the King! Everything He has belongs to me!

What about you? What characteristics of God do you need to grab a hold of?
Remember- Everything He has belongs to you!


  1. that is a beautiful reminder -- there are so many things that God is/has that I am not... and just being reminded that I have access to these amazing gifts is encouraging. I pray for more of many of them in my own life.

  2. Very insightful Sara - thanks for sharing your heart!

  3. Hi and thanks for stopping by. Great post today...thanks for sharing.

    In case no one thought to tell you this TODAY,.... your kids are precious!

    God Bless.

  4. that is a beautiful reminder -- there are so many things that God is/has that I am not... and just being reminded that I have access to these amazing gifts is encouraging. I pray for more of many of them in my own life.


Thanks so much for leaving your comments. I absolutely love hearing from you :)


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