Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Caught Red Handed

The kids and I were just stepping in the house after running some errands this morning, when the phone started to ring. I put down the groceries and quickly went to answer it. It was Chris. We chatted for a few minutes while I began to put the groceries away. After I was done talking to Chris and hung up the phone I scanned the room for the kids.

And then I heard it.


Silence is never a good sound in this house.
Well, unless the kids are all sleeping, then it's a glorious sound, but when I know that the kids are awake and I hear silence it is a VERY scary sound.

So I began my search and here's what I found...

I was only on the phone for a couple of mins, but that was just enough time for my resourceful two year old to start a little art project of her own.

By the looks of it, her little sister didn't mind being the fact I think she quite enjoyed herself...

Thank goodness for washable markers!

Hmmmm....this scene feels very familiar. Thankfully this time, Daddy wasn't home to "help" clean up!


  1. my mom used to tie little bells to our shoes so she could keep track of us in the house... she too knew silence during the day meant trouble!

  2. That is so totally something my kids would do :)

  3. This is so funny. I think every mom relates. I remember having to hide all pencils, pens, crayons, etc. in the entire house for at least 10 years because I was nervous about what would happen if the kids came upon them when I wasn't watching :) Thanks for the memories.

  4. all i can do is laugh... been there before.

  5. This is so funny. I think every mom relates. I remember having to hide all pencils, pens, crayons, etc. in the entire house for at least 10 years because I was nervous about what would happen if the kids came upon them when I wasn't watching :) Thanks for the memories.


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