Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A better story...

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.
Ephesians 3:20-21 (The Message)

God can do anything.
More than we could ever imagine
or guess
or request
in our WILDEST dreams.
Not by pushing us around.
But by working within us.
His Spirit deeply.
Within us.

In the last little while I've noticed that there has indeed been a deep, ever so gentle work happening in my heart over the past year or so.
God has been whispering a better story for me.
Let me try and explain....

I just finished reading the book "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" by Donald Miller which, by the way, has completely pulled the rug out from under my feet. Miller suggests that just like an author can write a boring or exciting story, we can also choose to write for ourselves boring or exciting lives (essentially stories). We can actually choose to be boring or exciting characters.

When I stop and really look at my life I have to admit that I am probably not the most exciting character around. Truly. If someone were to watch my life on the big screen I'm pretty sure they'd get up and walk out of the theater. Hey, I'd probably get up and walk out too :)
My life is just not all that exciting to watch. I suppose I have allowed myself to get lost in the shuffle. The shuffle of life. The mundane. The average. The day to day. The not so very exciting.

Have you ever read a book that you've had to push your way through in the beginning and then once you get past those first few "boring chapters" you are so engrossed that you can't put it down? Then after finishing it you are so glad that you were able to push through to get to the end?

I feel like that's the story I've been living. And this year is all about shifting from those crazy boring first couple of chapters and into the amazing-I-just-can't-put-this book-down chapters.

Miller writes:
{Writing a story isn't about making your peaceful fantasies come true. The whole point of a story is the character arc. You didn't think that joy could change a person did you? Joy is what you feel when the conflict is over. But it's the conflict that changes a person. People love to have lived a great story, but few people like the work it takes to make it happen. But joy costs pain.}

Friends, my perspective is changing.
Joy costs pain.
When I look back over my life I can see this truth in many parts of my story. Losing my mom. My struggle with drugs. Losing our babies. I have learnt to cling to my God through these painful times and come out with joy on the other side.
But for some reason when it came to losing our church I've rebelled against the notion that joy costs pain.
And I'm realizing that sadly, the conflict of losing our little white church has indeed changed me. It's made my heart bitter. Rather than drawing near to the Father through all this and finding joy, I've pulled away. I've judged the different church's we've tried. I've complained about losing my family and longed to go back in time to when it was all easier. I've given up on God when it comes to finding a church family.
I've forgotten that joy costs pain.
Well friends, it seems I've been reminded.

Let me just admit that at this point I have absolutely no idea what this is all going to look like. How this change in character is going to unfold.
All I know is that it is time.
The best way I know how to start (because remember, simply desiring change isn't enough to actually see change happen, there has to be some kind of action) is to go to the Author and ask Him what I'm to do each and every day. To pray specifically for my story... ultimately, for my part in His story. Because at the end of the day that's really what it's all about.
His story.
And I'm just a character that he has invited in to be a part of it.

Rather than resolutions this year, I am choosing a word for 2011. A word that I can focus on and will hopefully keep me on the right track this year.
My word for 2011 is character. I am going to allow God to write my story. I am going to choose to live a better story and be a better character.

But, can I make a confession?
To be completely honest I am scared. I am scared that I will use excuses to stay the same. What I mean by that is that I'm scared I will use the excuse of having a baby this year to keep me from going after a better story. I'm scared that it will keep me from chasing after the character I want to be.
I'm worried I will get swallowed up in the everyday-ness of raising a family.
Please, oh please, hear my heart. I am overjoyed at the reality of adding another little joy to our family. I absolutely love being a mama. I love staying home and taking care of my family. Love it.
And I know that this is a challenging season. Lack of sleep, physical changes, lack of patience due to lack of sleep :)

But there is also this yearning in my heart to be more. For God. For my family. For me and for others. And so, I am choosing to lay this fear at the cross. Because I know that God knows that this is the season I'm entering into and that He will be my strength. He knows I'm just weeks away from having a sweet babe and yet He is stirring my heart. He is working deeply, gently within my heart. Promising more than I could ever dare to ask, dream or imagine....

What about you? What kind of character are you living?
Can you hear his whispers, calling you to a better story?

{It's as if God is saying: "Write a good story, take somebody with you and let me help"}
Donald Miller


  1. A wonderful post, Sara. And you're right - change hurts. My Dad just had heart surgery and I've been thinking about his pain a lot. Because it's so hard to watch. And yet, this pain (from surgery) is life saving. So yes, while undeniably hard, pain is oftentimes used by God to draw us nearer to Himself.

    I have been and will continue to be praying for you in this time leading up to your little one's birth, and I will remember in those times to also pray that you have the endurance to keep seeking after character and an open willingness to be changed by Him. :)

  2. so well written my friend.

    i am working on living a better story in 2011 as 2010 was a draft i would toss in the trash. here is to new beginnings!

  3. Hmmm, so glad to hear your thought son the book.
    i came away from it recalling d.m.'s words,"living a life without a story is like reading a book about nothing." i too don't want to be a book about nothing. i want to be a book about Jesus.

    So as a mama at home, i want to be a story about Jesus to my family. i know this story i live will impact not only their lives but the lives of their children, and their childrens' childrens' children!

    and i have been praying for you friend, to not give up on church, but to go. just go and embrace God alive, God telling/living stories through another body of believers. i know it's hard, but let go of the old story, hand him the paper, the pen, walk in to that new building, and let him write!

    i love you dearly.

  4. This post reminds me of a Sara Groves song....I love her.

    Love this post....inspiring, heart felt, convicting. May God write your story in neon colors this year. ;o)

  5. This post definitely resonates with my heart. Especially that last part about yearning to be more...for God and for your family. Lately I've been thinking and praying about these very things during the sleepless wee hours of the morning. No baby keeping me awake - just me. And thoughts about life.

    I look forward to hearing more about your story-yet-to-come in 2011.

  6. Beautiful.... I wrote a post just a little bit back about change as well. We are so on the same page girly! Now, I feel that I must go out and buy this book. BIG HUGS to you my friend!

  7. A part of your story is a beautiful story of love for your children. I have seen you with them and the things you do with them and for them, while you see them as just a part of the everyday they are a special part of the story that you are writing because they will become very special memories for your wee ones when they are grown. They will remember all that you did for them and with them and how much fun you were.

    I will continue to lift you in prayer my friend. We should really get together SOON! I miss you.

  8. I am a character living and finding JOY in the every day. In four healthy children. In the blue skies and laughter of our family. I'm one who seeks and finds peace in life. I run from drama and those who create it. I've never been happier living a simple life in the fast lane. It's not perfect and I no longer seek the "mirage of perfection"...

    I hear his whisper and feel the pull on my heart...and I'm so thankful for the change that often hurts-because it's always for my benefit and HIS glory.

    Your posts so mirror my own thoughts and feelings. We are kindred spirits Sara! I love and cherish you and your perspective. Why oh why are we living worlds apart? ha!

  9. Hmmm, so glad to hear your thought son the book.
    i came away from it recalling d.m.'s words,"living a life without a story is like reading a book about nothing." i too don't want to be a book about nothing. i want to be a book about Jesus.

    So as a mama at home, i want to be a story about Jesus to my family. i know this story i live will impact not only their lives but the lives of their children, and their childrens' childrens' children!

    and i have been praying for you friend, to not give up on church, but to go. just go and embrace God alive, God telling/living stories through another body of believers. i know it's hard, but let go of the old story, hand him the paper, the pen, walk in to that new building, and let him write!

    i love you dearly.


Thanks so much for leaving your comments. I absolutely love hearing from you :)


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